Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I tried asking around for answers, but people didn't seem eager to provide them. They were either too busy or seemed intimidated by me, for some reason.

I asked a so called Scribe there, a girl about 2-4 years younger than me to fill me in.

"Oh, I guess people forgot to fill you in on things" she said.

"Yeah and you are?"

"Collector Rho, and you are?"

"Zack Waters"

She looked at me as if I had just declared that I eat cute kittens for breakfast.

"How...how do you know your name?"

"I had a blog, my name was declared there, found it when I checked my smartphone after waking up here."

"And it wasn't taken down by the Blind Man?"

"Guess not"

"He must really be fond of you."

"How so?"

"He allows you to have access to some former memories, let's you keep your name & made you a gifted. You must really be something"

She had a look of admiration in her eyes as a fangirl would stare upon a rockstar or something. It kind of made me blush for a second there.

"Anyway! You are a collector, which means you will be given assignments to look for information & occasionally new recruits."

"Alright" I said, pretending to be just dandy with all of this.

"But Rho, can I call you Rho? I still don´t get this whole gifted babble"

"A gifted is a person that the Blind Man has taken the memories of & given someone else's memories. Gifted are usually treated with the utmost respect around here, because we believe that that the Blind Man deems them special"

"I see. So let´s say that I wasn't angry as hell about getting my memories swapped out. What would my current mission be?"

"Ehm...I don't know, unless you've gotten a note you are probably just meant to relax for a while."

"So what is this place?" I asked, which in hindsight should've been my first question.

"The Archive! Home domain of the Blind Man or Grandfather as some of the Scribes call him"

I know I read something about the Blind Man earlier, when I went trough my blog. There was a blog called A New Fear Will Soon Be Born, which told of the Blind Man and other such creatures called fears. I haven't read all of it, I think I'm only about 16 posts in, but those posts gave me at least enough information, but still not enough.

I'm thinking of staying close to Rho. I like her, she seems like a nice person, unlike most people here.

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